Caresphere use case demos
Case management
CareSphere is a scalable, flexible client and case management solution that leverages the power of Salesforce to optimize your agency’s workflows and drive successful outcomes for clients,
supporting a broad range of HHS programs.
CareSphere includes pre-built functionalities for case management and service delivery, and includes human services-specific data models, functionality, and business processes.
refugee support
CareSphere for Refugee Support is a centralized data management system, built on Salesforce, designed to streamline and document the services provided to enhance refugee resettlement.
CareSphere enables seamless access and information sharing among various stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, resettlement agencies, and healthcare providers, to foster improved coordination and collaboration.
CareSphere empowers staff to tailor and monitor the progress of individual refugees, by tracking their service eligibility, utilization, and outcomes.
Social determinants of health
Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) are the everyday factors—like where people live, work, and access food, healthcare, and education—that have a profound effect on their well-being.
CareSphere’s innovative health and human services accelerator, using the Salesforce platform, equips staff with the right tools to capture, track, and leverage SDoH data. Its scalable and flexible design supports various programs and streamlines workflows.
CareSphere’s Client Profile feature captures detailed SDoH data for individuals applying for or receiving services, providing real-time insights and trend analysis in key areas like economic stability, education and healthcare access, and the community at-large.
CareSphere goes further by offering AI-driven recommendations tailored to each client’s needs, helping teams make informed, data-driven decisions. CareSphere equips staff with the tools to address disparities and drive progress toward health equity.